An extension of the Wool n' Spinning blog {}, this is a weekly link up for fellow crafty bloggers to share what they are working on! Handspinning, knitting, weaving, crochet, sewing ... the sky is the limit. Please keep it fibre-related, friends.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Fibre Friday
This is the second week in our new home - thank you to those who joined us last week! Remember, you can participate at any time throughout the weekend and week - I just happen to post on Fridays.
If you’d like to join in, blog and post a photo of your fibre pursuits, link up and share with the rest of the community what you’ve been working on!
This week has been steady - I can't believe we are at Friday already. Where did this week go? Ahead is a long weekend for some of us and while I would love to say I'll be taking advantage to pursue fibre-y things, alas, this is not the case. I will be at work for a bit and cooking/doing laundry for the rest. Such is the life of a semi-stay at home Mom when she has a couple of extra hands to help with the kids for a few hours/days!
I have been working on some projects that are Top Secret at this time - I'm bummed I can't share because I'm really excited about them. Them's the brakes though. I was able to finish my Icelandic singles though and I have the second plying ball all ready to go for this weekend. This yarn will eventually be a pair of mitten or fingerless mitts for myself!
Below is the link up list of everyone participating – I hope you’ll join us!
Be sure that the link you submit is to the URL of your blog post, not your main blog or a previous Fibre Friday post.
Include a link back to this post so that others can find it easily and join in!
Any troubles, just email me and I’ll be happy to help :: rachel [at] welfordpurls [dot] com.
Each week, we all work on various fibre-related things that we are excited to share with one another. Some share on Instagram (use #fiberfriday) but some of us still blog about our fibre-y pursuits. If you'd like to join in, link up and share with the rest of the community what fibre-related projects you've been working on! It's a great way to stay motivated, inspired and surrounded by a community of fellow handspinners!
Feel free to grab the button below and share it on your own blog!
The Icelandic spun up beautifully Rachel! I can't wait to hear about your secret projects!